Big Bird's Adventure

Sam thought it would be a great idea for Big Bird to join mommy at work! 

So I promised him I would send him some pictures of Big Bird's great adventures at PerfectServe!

Here is a copy of the text message Sam and Charlie received (via their Daddy's phone)

"Hi Sam and Charlie! I've had a fun day with mommy at work!"
"It started off with me riding in her car…"
"Then I got to push the number 3 on her super cool elevator!"
"And had the MOST fun riding way up high in the elevator… weee!"
"Mommy sat down at her desk and enjoyed her morning coffee from 10-second Dunkin Donuts!"  (sidebar: this is an Agrestic Family thing - boys get a "10-second dunk" when their hair needs to be tamed in morning. 10-second Dunkin Donuts is a sad attempt at making it FUN with the promise of getting a treat from Dunkin Donuts afterward)
"It smelled deeee-licious!"
"I've spent most of the day sitting at the computer while mommy just works"
"And THEN she let me see the big table where she has all her important meetings!"
"It was super cool! We're coming home soon! Can't wait to see you guys!"


  1. Oh-em-gee! While the boss is away ~ how the product developers do play :) This is absolutely precious! Wish I could have been there to join in the fun! Big Bird could have paid a visit to the recording booth, too.

    p.s. totally off topic - does Mrs. Sweetheart have any suggestions for late summer/fall blooming colorful flowers? My summer-fatigued annuals needs some replacing :/

  2. Oh em gee on my side too! Tomorrow's post is all about how unhappy I am with the sweethearts as of late. How did you KNOW that? I'm feeling your pain sister! Things are looking rough on my side of the street too :( I haven't come up with any replacement solutions... Except to stay indoors and cover my eyes when I walk outside.

    Btw, no need to tell Mr. Boss-man about Big Bird's visit :/

  3. AND, I'm definitely loving the new name you have given me :)


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