Back When We Turned Thirty-Something
Richie and I both celebrated our Thirty-Something Birthdays last week… (and just for the record, his "Something" happens to be much much larger than my "Something", but I guess that's not the point)… regardless, it was a full week of several mini-celebrations. I must say, this Thirty-Something happened to hit me a little harder than any other ever has. I've never once feared my birthday or growing older. I think I have a bit of an old soul, and I'm often surprised at my age. I don't feel physically old ~ my soul just happens to believe that I'm a bit older than my age reflects. So I'm not sure what it was that smacked me in the face. It could have been the taunting from my dear friends at work - insisting that my "Something" puts me in a whole new demographic (30"something" - 49! wtf?) Could be the fact that "my dryer has recently shrunk all my jeans" (what's UP with that?) Could be that I walked o...