
Showing posts from October 25, 2011

Football Saturday!

This past Saturday, we had an impromptu football game going in on our front yard! Team 1 (comprised primarily of the boys in orange) was Richie, Sam, our new neighbor - Mark, and Charlie… (well, sometimes Charlie) And over on Team 2 we had Mark and Christy (Little Mark's parents - our new neighbors) and Charlie (he was a bit of a transient player…)   A little strategizing going on... Charlie Hatcher, starting out on Team 2 with the kick off! We've got the center, Daddy Hatcher - and ready for the snap is quarterback, Saaaaaaaam Hatcher!    "Set Hut Hut!" He's got it! And he's going for it! Nobody can catch up with this kid! Time for a kick off Check out that form!   Mark's got the ball… but there's no way he's making it through this defense!   They're tearin' him up!    They're bringing in the big guns for this play… Luke Owen, age 3 (he's the other transient player… something about tho...