
Showing posts from July 17, 2011

My New View

This month marks the 5th anniversary of Mr. Agrestic and I living in our current home. Five years.  Lots can happen in five years. New neighbors. Babies. Old neighbors. New jobs. More babies. Old jobs.  Lots of spit up, drool, and poopy diapers.   A return to college. Hundreds of new flowers and shrubs. Preschool. Trees planted. New preschool. Painted walls. Trees cut down. Return to the original preschool. New decor. New boat. Lots of meals - mostly out. New boat finally sold. A few great vacations. You get the picture? With all of this effort and time we spend on random priorities, one thing that has sadly never made it to this list is this… This is the drab, icky, unfinished view I see every time I walk out of my bedroom and down the hallway toward our bonus room (better known as "the play room"). Unfortunately, this is a walk I take many times a day, as it is also the path from my bedroom to downstairs.  The blinds are a dirty yellow color...