
Showing posts from April 20, 2011

That's How Strong My Love Is

"For better for worse. For richer for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love, cherish, and hold as long as we both shall live." I made an everlasting commitment with those words and felt the truth of them as each one floated off my lips…   The truth of it is… to a twenty-something couple, very much in love, "for better for worse" at its very deepest means I'll accept your bad moods if you'll accept mine.   "For richer for poorer", for lack of a more eloquent phrase means "for poorer for poorer"… we knew nothing different… and if we can deal with poorer, we can definitely deal with richer!   … And "In sickness and in health" … well we're both pretty darn healthy, so this one shouldn't be too tough to take. I may be exaggerating our naivity a little bit, but its not that far of a stretch… we were young and simple. Lacking much complexity in a life together, how can you fully understand the depth of those words?...