The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry...
Such was the theme of our summer vacation in 2014 to Navarre Beach, Florida. Pictures have a way of making everything seem beautiful and peaceful… which, honestly, is really a miracle if you think about it… to be able to find and photograph a single millisecond in time where 3 wild and rambunctious boys all assume a position of joy and contentment (with no crying, crossed eyes, gnarly smiles, etc)… when I can guarantee you the millisecond before and after was complete chaos! It truly is a miracle… and it's SO NOT representative of real life with kids. I suppose our perception that the vacation was a total wreck was probably a result of Richie and I having our expectations out of whack. You'd think we'd be professionals at this by now, but that was not the case. Balancing 8 month old little Luke at the beach with his two older brothers really just ended up being exhausting. Luke never slept for more than 3 hours at a time throughout every night… and this was mont...