Olympic Peninsula & National Park
We left Rainier and headed further northwest to Olympic Peninsula and National Park. I'm not gonna lie... our first 36 hours of Olympic Peninsula were by far the most challenging of the entire 11 day trip.
The 3.5 hour drive there turned into a 5.5 hour trip with a traffic jam and all the joy that brings.
We were hungry when we arrived - and were left with mediocre options for dinner.
Richie and Sam's long-awaited fishing trip, with a 5:45am arrival time, one hour away (you do the math) was cancelled at 5:30am after the 3 of us got up way too early and drove to the other side of the peninsula to get there on time.
This led to a complete shift of plans, which required us to drive all the way back to get Charlie and Luke just to turn back around to make the long trek back across the peninsula to go to the Hoh Rainforest. By 10am, we had already clocked 4 hours in the car.
On top of all this, I was convinced the owner of our rental was a serial killer.

After a very long morning, we finally arrived at Hoh Rainforest. We hiked two short trails - the Hall of Mosses (.8 miles) and Spruce Nature Trail (1.2 miles), but took our time along the way.
The rainforest was what you would imagine it to be, without the monkeys swinging across the vines.
This is the underneath of a tree that had fallen years ago and started growing new trees from its roots. It's a pretty spectacular scene in the middle of the forest.
It's hard to get a good perspective of the massive size of everything around us.
Like I said, trees - larger than life.
We saw so many rivers and lakes on this trip that were the most stunning turquoise blue color. Ice cold no doubt, but breathtaking.
Magical Fairyland.
The beauty and mystique of this gorgeous beach is impossible to explain... It's almost eerie, but in the most beautiful way. I am beyond grateful that we didn't miss out on the opportunity to see this. It was the highlight of the Olympic Peninsula and one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Thank you Hatcher boys for putting up with your crazy mama.
Like I said, trees - larger than life.
We saw so many rivers and lakes on this trip that were the most stunning turquoise blue color. Ice cold no doubt, but breathtaking.
Magical Fairyland.
We left the rainforest and drove a bit further around the peninsula.
I ended up carefully convincing the crew that we should go to Rialto Beach. Everyone was beyond exhausted - but the consistent reviews I read about Olympic Peninsula is to not miss the opportunity to go to the beaches at low tide... the beaches are stunning regardless, but at low tide, you often see starfish and anemone in the tidal pools.
So we rallied.
(God love this family who puts up with me and my wild ass adventures).
There is NO shame in Richie Hatcher's game.. the man HATES being cold 😂
Can you believe the colors in these stones? I was blown away.
We finally made it to the tidal pools. I was a hopin' and a prayin' that we would see all the stuff...
The starfish were completely latched on to the rocks - you couldn't pry them off no matter how how hard you tugged. They were just there... waiting patiently for the tide to come back in.
And then we made it to the beautiful rock formation.
It was a little chilly and a lot drizzly... but you could tell as soon as you stepped on the beach that this was going to be special.
There were beautiful boulders protruding from the shoreline and gorgeous pebbles adorning the coast. You could imagine seeing the ship from "The Goonies" heading toward us at any moment.
Based on what I read about Rialto Beach - the extra special part requires about a mile long hike on the beach. It's where you see the tidal pools and also where you can find this gorgeous rock formation called the "Hole in the Wall." I didn't over-emphasize to my crew that we had a two-mile round trip hike in store... I just casually started walking that way.
Sticks, rocks, and water have always been a secret recipe for some happy Hatcher boys - even when irritability and exhaustion have set in.We saw seals playing out in the water and a bald eagle protecting her nest.
This little look on Luke's face melts my heart every time.There is NO shame in Richie Hatcher's game.. the man HATES being cold 😂
Can you believe the colors in these stones? I was blown away.
We finally made it to the tidal pools. I was a hopin' and a prayin' that we would see all the stuff...
Low and behold.. someone was watching out for me... We saw all of it, and it was pretty darn amazing!
The starfish were completely latched on to the rocks - you couldn't pry them off no matter how how hard you tugged. They were just there... waiting patiently for the tide to come back in.
And then we made it to the beautiful rock formation.
Hole in the Wall... it required some careful navigation on and around the wet rocks. But it was oh so worth it.
The beauty and mystique of this gorgeous beach is impossible to explain... It's almost eerie, but in the most beautiful way. I am beyond grateful that we didn't miss out on the opportunity to see this. It was the highlight of the Olympic Peninsula and one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Thank you Hatcher boys for putting up with your crazy mama.
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