Fifth Time is a Charm

We were almost out of time in 2019 to fit in our annual hike to Mt. LeConte... but low and behold, we made it happen!  We were fortunate enough to find a beautiful fall day in November, filled with big blue skies.
 My little hikers are not so little anymore.
To be honest with you, I've been struggling a bit this year... 
I've been consumed by the demands at work, feeling disconnected from my family, and trying to reconcile the ever-growing angst that my current role and career is completely misaligned with what I want to do in life. I'm all too often lost in my head trying to fix what feels broken... but I have yet to find the solution.  I feel a constant inability to be present with my people, and I can only assume it's because I invest so many hours of every week trying to find joy in something that no longer fits me.  And then comes the guilt - and the awareness - that every day is another day gone by, another day I didn't spend with my kids. I am acutely aware that my opportunity to spend my days with them will come to an end - because they're kids, and then they're teenagers, and then they're adults... and then the opportunity is missed. And time passes on...
 I bring this up because this day we spend in the mountains every year is a day that I always covet. 
Something happens to my head and my heart and my soul when we sneak away to that trail. 
I feel complete. 
I feel connected. 
I feel like a can take a slow, deep breath... and be still... and content... and fully present... because for a moment, everything is exactly as it should be.
Fortunately, the weather was perfect this year from start to finish - it was the first time we've made our way up there in the fall... The air was crisp and perfect.

Alum Cave is always a fan favorite...  we stopped for lunch as usual.

 My gosh, I love these boys. I can't believe how grown up they are.
Do you think I can convince them to do this hike with me when they are in college?  And maybe even after that too?

It was so clear, we could see the ranges behind the ranges - and sometimes, the ones behind those too.

Those are the smiles of two boys who are at the top of their 5 mile incline!

  Our most favorite part of the hike is the fairyland we get to walk through right before we reach the lodge...  Moss covers the ground and trees...  it's lush, green and magical.
The trees are just small enough that it really does feel like a world made for little creatures...

 The way the sunlight hit the lodge made it difficult to get a clear picture with the date and elevation this year...  This is as good as we were able to capture! 
Another successful trip for the Hatcher Trio.... and mommy's bucket is full again. 

Here we are through our 5 years...
 2017  (Flat Stanley joined us on our FREEZING adventure in March)
 And 2015... the year that started it all
(Man, I miss those "been carrying around Baby Luke" arms!)
Looking forward to sharing many more of these photos in years to come!


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