Dining in Style

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" I was once told...  I'm pretty sure I must be a man then because I am a sucker for some good food...  

In fact, most vacations I take are judged by how good or bad the food was...

It was really lovely going out to eat in the areas surrounding Beulah.  It is a very small town, not heavily populated... has that "middle of nowhere" kind of feel..  and tucked in some unexpected places are a few great restaurants with spectacular food.

Two of our favorites were Birch & Maple in Frankfort

And Rock's Landing, just around the lake from the place where we stayed
Sam was hilarious during this meal. I think I heard him say "This is AMAZING!" at least 15 times, to us and our server.  
Makes a mama happy!

A couple non-sensical wishes I have in life...  
I want my kids to be well traveled.. and to make it a priority in life
I want my kids to LOVE good food... and always put good health and happiness at the top of their priority list
I want one of my kids to become a famous chef :)  whichever one that is might quite possibly end up being my favorite...  but I'll never let them know that!


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