Field of Dreams

I'm not sure there are any seasons I love more than baseball season...! This year certainly did not disappoint.
 Luke played for the Cubs and Sam for the Yankees.  They both did a really great job this year.  Luke is learning how to hit and catch. Sam is building confidence and is making some really great plays.

 Pretty proud of himself for getting a "homerun"!!
Sam played first base most of the year and really did a great job! He also had some great hits - his best one was out to the fence... a triple. 
 He showed great confidence in the middle of difficult situations... up to bat, last inning, game is tied, two outs, bases loaded...
AND a base hit...  game winning run!

He got the game ball two different times!

 And nothing better than having a supportive brother come cheer you on after his golf scrambles

Another great baseball season in the books!


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