How is it even possible?

My baby just graduated from preschool ... he is officially a kindergartener!

What a beautiful journey it has been - not only for Luke, but for all of our boys who have spent many days learning at growing at St. Mark's Early Enrichment Program.

These sweet teachers have shown our kids an abundance of love and grace, nurturing them and helping them grow into confident little boys. We've had the most spectacular experience at SMEEP ~ so many smiles... friends, teachers, parents... memories to last a lifetime.
(Luke's little girlfriend, Ruby.. I seriously can't get enough of her!)

 Miss Holly and Miss Susan

Miss Melissa, who spent the mornings with Luke for several years...  he became known as the SMEEP mascot as he would join Miss Melissa in all her staff meetings.
 And Miss Brittney, who also spent lots of time with Luke when mommy and dadd were both working.
Sam and Charlie took the afternoon off to celebrate their little brother's big milestone

And grandma too...

All kinds of cuteness to go around

Congratulations buddy!  So proud of smart, funny, confident little boy you've become. Watch out Rocky Hill!


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