Another Q&U Wedding

We are nearing the very end of our time at SMEEP - this is where our boys have spent countless hours of their early childhood with some of the best preschool teachers on the planet. It's truly been a beautiful experience.

 One of the sweetest events at SMEEP is the Q & U wedding that happens at the end of the school year for the Fab Fives.  

I had to get Luke all dressed up in the same outfit his brothers wore..

Isn't he so handsome?
 Luke was pretty perplexed by the way he was told to hold his arm for his little bride (Josie) to hold...  He thought it was pretty silly :)
 Escorting Miss Hazel back...  again with the cute little arm position :)
 That's one happy little boy... with his Q-tips boutonniere. 
 Hazel.. his little sister from another mister!
And sweet Nana was able to join us as well!


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