Fab Five

In life, we need to just accept there are advantages and disadvantages to every slot in the birth order.  Growing up in a family as the youngest of five, I can personally tell you that one of the disadvantages of being the youngest is that everyone is just kind of tired of celebrating stuff by the time you come around... This includes holidays, birthdays, major milestones, etc.  
So - at the ripe age of five, Luke finally got to have his first birthday party with friends (pretty sure Sam and Charlie were old pros at this by age five).
But it was a pretty spectacular little birthday party!
We had it at the pumpkin patch - and enjoyed all the great things fall time in East Tennessee has to offer...  
The day did start off with a little mommy panic at 5am when it was pouring down rain...  just hours before our party was supposed to start.  But we adjusted.  And all was well in the world.

Luke's sweet little friends from school joined us - James, Evelyn, Ruby, and Hazel.
Plus our neighbors, who eventually just become family.

We enjoyed yummy cupcakes

Hanging with one of our favorite teachers - Mrs. Groves
Swinging and slides

Getting buried in corn

 Checking out the roosters
And finally, a hay ride with a stop at the pumpkin patch

Happy 5th Birthday to Luke!  And Happy Fall to All!


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