
Over Memorial Day weekend this year, Richie and I had the privilege of taking a mom and dad weekend away to go to Montana and celebrate his friend's wedding.
  This is the scene of the little cabin where we stayed...  truly breathtaking
We flew into Missoula and stayed in the small town of Sula about an hour south of there - what a treat
 This is Michael the night before his wedding
We wandered off and went on a few drives... which landed us in Idaho...

 We went to the National Bison Range, which gave us the opportunity to see all kinds of beautiful animals and breathtaking scenes...   

We snuck away and went on a great hike in the Bitterroot National Forest

 The weather changed from warm to cool as we explored...

 The views took our breath away everywhere we looked
... in front of us... behind us...

What a fantastic little getaway...  I look forward to sharing it with our kids someday soon.


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