My New Obsession

 I recently decided to try paddle boarding. Since it's not a good phase of life for me to come up with hobbies that aren't kid friendly, I decided to give it a whirl and have Luke join me. Today was the third week in a row that my buddy and I have paddled around the lake.
It's Exercise. Serenity. Meditation. Conversation. Adventure. Exploration. It's really a perfect time.
 I feel centered. I feel complete. I feel happy that my baby knows what a paddle board is.
We have beautiful conversations about the eagle's nest we paddle by, the blue heron that follows us around, the fish that jump out of the water, the cows that bathe in it, the other boats that pass us by, the bridges we pass under... He keeps his spray bottle handy so he can squirt the waves that try to flip us over... Spray bottle wins every time!
 I truly can't think of a better way to spend a few hours of free time on a weekend.
 I hope somewhere in his little toddler memory that he is able to hold on to this one. I know it won't leave mine ~


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