Summer Days Coming to an End

School starts tomorrow. I really can't believe it. 
The days are still hot, so I'm sure we have a few more summertime activities in front of us - but they don't feel the same when they are mixed in with 5 school days each week.

Here are a few pictures of the boys hanging out at Aunt Linda and Uncle Larry's pool recently.


Ha! Charlie looks like a froggy.

The boys and I have also revived one of our old favorite Friday activities… lunch, fountains, and ice cream in Market Square. I used to do this with Sam and Charlie nearly every week. Once they got bigger, the fountains weren't so appealing - and Tomato Head added a new location near our house - so it all just kind of faded away. But, we've taken Luke there a couple times this summer, and it's still the same ole scene -- except, for some reason, the moms of toddlers seem really young now!  Kids these days...
 Here are my handsome boys waiting for their lunch at Tomato Head :)
 Luke's first official day drinking out of a restaurant cup with a straw…yaaay! No more need to bring sippie cups along with us!
And then off to the fountains…

Charlie decided to really send Luke on through…
 Love those smiles.

Followed by this craziness!

So much fun can be had in the middle of Market Square.

And, while this picture really has nothing to do with our summertime fun, Luke snuck off and found Sam's Harry Potter glasses… and then this…
 I just didn't want you to miss out on all this yumminess!
Happy Summer!


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