Another Adventure in the Smoky Mountains

I decided to take a little stay-cation for the second half of this week… I was long overdue to simply unplug from work and spend some time with my people.
After spending one day in the fabulous fountains of Market Square and the second day in bed with a horrible migraine (the worst in years… during which my amazing 7 & 8 year old took the best care of the wee little one for me) , we decided to really do up day #3 in a big way. We invited my nephew Logan along to do a 5 mile round trip hike on the Abrams Falls Trail.
The best adventures always await us in the Great Smoky Mountains.
Sweet baby Luke was as perfect as a baby could be on a hike like this. He completely chilled out the entire time on my back… singing his ABC's, talking about the trees, and keeping Sam, Charlie, and Logan in his sights.

It's a great trail with plenty of downhill and uphills climbs throughout, never leaving you entirely exhausted.

And, of course, plenty of nature to be discovered along the way.
Little bit fell asleep shortly after our hike began.
 Can you hardly stand it?
The highlight of the trail is when we arrived at the falls…  While not a very tall waterfall, it does have the greatest amount of rushing water passing over it of any waterfall in the park. 
We all enjoyed a nice dip in the water when we reached this point.

 Luke wanted to be with his ma ma!!!
This trail has a total of 5 bridges to cross over - most of which look like this. Brave boys love scary bridges!!

Go Team Swanner-Hatcher!  Another good workout and a fun day for all!


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