A Night on the Town

Having three boys has never been so rewarding! I get treated with frequent date nights now… I mean, I drive… and I pay… and I usually end up buying them toys… but it's still a lovely night of good food and good conversation with my sweethearts. 
This time it was with my sweet Sam… always a little gentleman. Of the three boys, Sam is definitely the one who gravitates most toward his daddy (I suppose it's because he is the older, wiser one who understands how much cooler daddy is!) - so having some alone time with him sent me to the moon and back ~
The boys were rounding up flowers for me to wear in my hair … My little princes.
We took our adventure downtown Knoxville, where we began by going to see the movie "Max". We both shed a couple tears during the movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. It made for some good dinnertime conversation as well.
We went to dinner at Five Bar, one of my new favorities. We got to sit in the front window as we enjoyed our stuffed shrimp, baked avocado, and bread pudding. 
Sam even go to have this fabulous strawberry daiquiri. It was quit a treat!
We talked about the upcoming school year and the teachers he may have, his friends, and who he wishes to have in his class. All pretty grown up stuff, cuz just how he rolls.
He also received all kinds of compliments from the ladies on his fabulous little hat. He thought that was pretty funny!
After dinner, we went over to Mast General Store and to Bliss and Sam picked up a couple cool toys for him and Charlie. That makes our arrival home lots of fun too!
It was a perfect evening with my little charmer. I trust that he is going to make a great date some day… especially if he is allowed to end the evenings with a couple new toys!


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