Field Trip

We had the opportunity to experience our first field trip this past week with Sam's kindergarten class. We started off at Maple Lane Farms (in case you were wondering about the letters…). We went on a hay ride and picked our very own pumpkins from the pumpkin patch.   
Sam, smooshed in between the ladies… pretty common scene these days :)
I have to snap pictures of PINK anytime I get the chance, just to make sure my camera knows what it looks like...
Racing to find his perfect pumpkin
Found it!
(a bit overexposed, but sweet nonetheless)

 The amazing Mrs. Phillips keeping the wild animals tame ~ a job I completely underestimated!

After we left Maple Lane Farms, we went to our very favorite park in the area, Sandy Springs…  This is Sam and his new friend, Garrett being silly sweet after eating their lunch

Fun day with my buddy and his friends. Looking forward to more of these trips in the coming years!


  1. Fall field trips were always my favorite! Thanks for the early explanation of the barn logo. I was wondering where you were going with this post :/ And, thanks for always making me smile :)


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