I'm here

I'm here.
And you are there.
It's been way too long, right?
Life gets busy. Really busy. I know you understand. And I especially appreciate you checking in to see if I'm still investing in this relationship. So, the answer to that is, yes! I am. I've been thinking about you a lot - and this place - this place where we come to celebrate life (mostly my life… but my life is your life, right? okay, maybe not. maybe I need to work on that). But not right now.

So, here are a few items of interest in my life:

One.  I've been running. That's good. Not running with great intention - well, except cellulite - that's my intention. I hate complaining about something day after day without taking action, so running is my cellulite action! And I so love running. I really do. I have loved it for years. Sometimes, I just forget how much I love it. The fun adventure now, with my post-baby bladder, is I get to celebrate the joy of peeing on myself every time I run. Really. Every time. But I still go. So that is something to celebrate!

Two.  My first-born baby, love of my life, heart and soul, creator of endless smiles and tears and indescribable joy. You know, that one. Well, he starts school tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Okay. Still working on celebrating this one.

Three.  My second-born baby, love of my life, heart and soul, creator of endless smiles and tears and indescribable joy. You know, that one. Well, he learned how to make the "L" sound… no more "Yuke"… no more "Yeroy"… no more "Char-yee". I'm really very proud of him! He went through many iterations of that crazy "L" sound, some much scarier than others. But he found it! Life in my house will never be the same.

Four.  Richie is working on the Oncology unit at UT Medical Center affecting peoples' lives every single day. This is part of his PA school qualification. We've had our doubts many times over about continuing on this PA path, as it often takes a great toll on all of us. But with every turn we consider making, God keeps us on this path, and I feel good about that. In fact, one of Richie's patients quietly made a significant donation to the "Guardian Angel" program at the hospital in Richie's honor (I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone, so shhh!). This is 100% patient initiated, and is an option for those who have been touched by a healthcare provider during their hospital stay. That was as much of a sign as I needed that Richie is meant to be in healthcare.

Five.  Finally, we went on an amazing beach vacation 2 weeks ago to Rosemary Beach. It was actually the first beach vacation we've been on as a family of 4. I had almost forgotten just how relaxing a beach vacation can be… sigh

So I'll leave you with this… a little introduction to the next several posts, which naturally will be about all things Rosemary Beach.


  1. So glad to have you back! I missed you and all things Agrestic :)


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