Daddy's Day

Summer has come and gone in the blink of an eye. Can you believe it?
One of the extra special days on which I want to push the pause button and capture for a moment is Father's Day.
Cuz my kiddos have a truly amazing father.
He's the kind of dad that I thought was only created in Hollywood movies. He's the kind of dad that can take a bad day at the office and throw it far far out the door before ever stepping inside - not because 'it's the right thing to do', but because the happiness he feels when he sees his kids just magically makes it fade away. He's the kind of dad who finds complete joy in taking his kids to the zoo, the mountains, the park, and fishing. It's never a chore to him - only a privilege. He's the kind of dad who can be super silly fun while at the same time offer loving guidance and discipline. He is truly a dad to be celebrated.
Random strangers have stopped my kiddos' daddy to ask if they can take a picture of him while he's playing with our kids… because they are so touched watching them interact. 
Pure, genuine love sure is worth capturing.
This year my kiddos' daddy had to work on Father's Day. He was at UT Medical Center caring for ~ and sharing his genuine love with ~ people who are suffering and fighting for their lives. He was making a difference in someone else's life on this day. So we visited him. And ate lunch with him. And it was lovely.
Then, we had the pleasant surprise of seeing him pull into our driveway shortly after we got back home. Someone knew he deserved it!
We spent the rest of the day out at my parent's house. We played ball outside for a long time, and took a couple minutes to capture some more daddy (and grandpa) moments.

Silly times with grandpa!

These are some memories to cherish ~ Happy Father's Day


  1. Your kiddos are so fortunate to have such an engaging and loving daddy!
    They have a mighty fine role model on how to be a hard working, yet fun loving man, an adoring husband, and an excellent father. No doubt they will follow in their daddy's footsteps and be outstanding men that bless our world!


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