Once Upon a Laurel Falls

What a privilege to live in a place like East Tennessee ~ just a short car ride from the vast, breathtaking views and adventurous trails found in the Great Smoky Mountains. Everywhere a little explorer looks, he can find something fascinating… something new… something that creeps, crawls, falls, or wiggles.
During our stay-cation, we hiked up to Laurel Falls ~ At 1.3 miles, it's a perfect distance for my little peanuts (and my big peanut's busted ankle!) They picked many-o-Laurel-leaves during the adventure ~ and excitedly ran from site-marker to site-marker, counting all the way up to #10.
As any good hiker knows, the key to a good hike is finding the perfect walking stick!

Summertime is here! It's the return of the birdie skirt and crocs flip-flops! Ahh! I'm me again :)
Next time I'll work a little harder to keep the bra under the control...

It's a gorgeous waterfall ~ and so much fun to be up close and personal with it.


  1. Laurel Falls was my all time most favorite hike with little peanuts! So glad summertime is here so the Crocs could make their long-awaited return :)


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