Running out of Time

I am really at a loss for words. In just two and a half months, Sam is going to be wrapping up his final year of preschool. I could sob right now just thinking about it. I realize raising children essentially boils down to years and years of slowly letting them go ~ and kindergarten just happens to be one of those standout "letting go" moments... 
 I'm just not quite ready for it. I really love the simplicity of preschool ~ I love that there are two teachers in there taking care of Sam and his 11 preschool friends ~ I love that they focus so much energy on building character and being a good friend ~ I love that they know my son's heart and take really good care of it.
I've been told that there isn't a dry eye at the Fab Five Graduation… 
 Ugh, I think I might be sick that day ~
I've been thinking I might get Sam a t-shirt to wear to school next year, with a very special message… "If you mess with me, my mama's gonna kick your ass!" … or something along those lines anyway. I'm still working on the exact wording.
Cuz I'm just not sure Rocky Hill Elementary has ever seen a heart like this one… 


  1. First of all, that is an awesome idea for a shirt and I think you could sell tons of them at the "cry breakfast" that they have for parents of new Kinders :)

    Second, I KNOW the sick feeling you have, but I wanted to let you know that Kindergarten at RHES was an absolutely beautiful experience for Max. He was known and loved, and his teacher was as good as any that they have at SMEEP. Honest! Next year is going to be a great one for this sweet boy!


  2. I know I don't have to tell you how fast time flies. The other day when my baby of all my babies came home with his scheduling paperwork for his senior year in high school - I had a vivid memory of attending his kindergarten round-up - and it seems like it was just a few years ago. Kindergarten is a wonderful time. Now, when Charlie starts the big K . . . a total meltdown on your part is totally acceptable :)

  3. Work less, play more. Sigh. When I think of the "little gang" and Eric going to the big house that is grade school, my heart sinks more than a little...mainly because I berate myself for not squeezing the joy out of EVERY single day with them. Just need to wake up my inner child before it's too late. I'll probably be crying the hardest at the SMEEP graduation. Just hold my hand Mary...I'll need it.


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