Photo Lesson (ha!)

Funny thing.
After having several camera chats with my neighbor, Kristy, we decided to meet up and have a little Photography 101 session… with me as the teacher (that's the funny part!) and her as the student. It's comical that it was really only last March that I began comprehending any of the basic settings used in photography and now I'm out playing teacher… as if I'm actually qualified for that. Oh the things I've yet to learn.
We had a spectacular time. A really spectacular time. I'm convinced that I got even more out of it than she did. Our kids love playing with each other - we had them with us since they make such fabulous little subjects. We were also joined by Kristy's husband, Mark, who makes for a fabulous little entertainer! 
Here are a few of my favorites from the day… 

Kristy took these first four pictures - she rocked it out with the 50mm  f/1.4 lens! I think she was pretty excited about it.

 (LoVe this picture she got of Luke and his daddy)
 I tried to get a couple shots of all the boys … Unfortunately, Charlie wasn't having it. It's okay though ~ The other boys played along!

 I heart this picture below of Charlie playing "big brother" to Rhett. This was not directed. For some reason Charlie has found this love for being a caretaker of the little guys. I think it's precious.
 Since we were at the UT gardens, I had to get some shots of the three brothers on the famous blue, rusty truck.

 What a bunch of sweethearts ~
 A nice shot of my little peanut drifting off to Charlie's world...
It was a lovely afternoon doing some of my most favorite things with some very special friends! 


  1. What a fun way to spend an afternoon. And, I think you make a wonderful teacher :)


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