Final Taste of Christmas Magic

Capturing a "staged" photo of my two peanuts together always presents great challenges…

"Now, be still…"
"Look at mommy… just for a minute…"
"No, don't make that silly smile…"
"Charlie, turn around, just be still…"
"Guys, it will only take a minute…"
"Just stay still…"
"Sam, don't squeeze his neck so hard. You're choking him…"
"Charlie, you're making him fall over…"
"Okay, right here, look at me…"
"Guys! Just be still and look at the camera…"

You get the picture. 

It's rather painful for everyone involved.

Regardless, on certain occasions, I like to have pictures of them together… and Christmas happens to be one of those occasions.

I was semi-happy with a few of the staged pictures I was able to get. Unfortunately, the day had gotten away from me and I was shooting in very low light. To hide the flaws, I changed it to a sepia-esque look… good thing the kids pulled through! The great thing about little kids is even the planned poses turn into some sort of natural moment that the two of them share.


  1. Your peanuts are adorable. And, your keen eye in capturing a special moment is fabulous! Staged or not :)


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