It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...

One of my favorite things about Christmas is seeing all of the creative artwork my kiddos bring home from school. I'm sharing just a couple of my favorites this year...
 Sam put his heart and soul into this gingerbread house… It looks like a masterpiece to me, and according to him and Charlie, it is exceptionally tasty too!
 Can you even stand it? Rudolph made out of 
Charlie's hands and a foot. Perfection!
Joseph and Mary carrying Baby Jesus… I simply adore it ~
Thanks to the great teachers at St. Mark's for making these happen!


  1. So, I'm loving the gingerbread house, and then I'm loving Rudolph, and then I get to Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus and my heart melts. I shared the picture with Jonathan and told him how adorable I thought it was, and how we needed to make some next year as gifts. Well, guess what was under my Christmas tree this year? He totally surprised me with my very own Holy Family. My heart melted one more time! I'll send you a picture :)


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