Li'l Love from the Hill

We recently had our yard sprayed for mosquitos, which has enriched my life in ways you may never fully understand. One of the more obvious benefits of having the toxic poison coating my yard, and the air around it, is it has allowed me to start embracing my sweethearts once again. 
I spent part of the day with them this past weekend and was happy to see, amidst the heat and drought (well, that is … the drought at the time I took these pics… no longer the case here in East Tennessee!), I have a few late bloomers that are adding a nice sparkle to the hill.  

 This is a bloom from my hydrangea tree ~ I added her to the garden 4-years ago.
 Two more from the hydrangea tree ~ she blooms later than other hydrangeas… as impatient as I may be awaiting her first bloom, I always appreciate that she is here when everything else is lacking luster.

This little lady is called an Obedient Plant (great name! I need to find a kid with that name!)
 She was transplanted onto my hill this year from a neighbor's garden ~ I've been a' wonderin' all summer what she would look like. I just noticed about 3 days ago that she bloomed. Isn't she lovely?
Anyone know what this is called?
I have no idea… so if you do, tell me! Another late bloomer that I'm always happy to see ~ just wish I knew her name!
And yes, here we have Monkey Grass. Monkey Grass. This should be a good indication as to how sad my hill is as of late… I'm featuring Monkey Grass on my blog. The purple flower shoots are fun to put in small vases around the house… and that's about it for that one :)

If you see that the next post is about my favorite weeds currently decorating the hill, please just cut me off. Turn your head. Don't watch me fall that deeply...


  1. Your late bloomers are absolutely fabulous! I think the Obedient Plant is my favorite :D I have never heard of her before, but she is most definitely Sweetheart material. I just broke down and bought some boring mums for a splash of color. Unoriginal, but colorful. And, btw, I think your Monkey Grass is lovely!


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