I Heart Plastic Bullet AND My Nurturing Son

I recently introduced you to the cool iPhone app called Plastic Bullet. But I failed to mention that one of its features is that it can be used to slightly disguise - slash - distort morning face and morning hair from being displayed to the world!

So, I will use that feature to my advantage while I share with you the sweetness of my second born son…

That would be Charlie.

I have this ridiculous habit of picking the life out of the tiniest blemish that appears on my aging face. As we all know, this transforms an unnoticeable blemish into a massive wound that is unable to hide behind the layers of make-up one might attempt to apply in an effort to conceal the unwanted decoration.

Fast forward to the morning hours. Make-up is non-existent. The subject formerly known as "the tiny blemish" is now apparently pulsating on my forehead, when my dearest little one creeps into my bedroom. To his dismay, mommy has a giant boo-boo on her head. This must be treated immediately!

And so the story goes…

Mommy wakes up with a spiderman band-aid on her forehead… which is quite possibly the best solution for concealing this specimen, which I'm convinced at this point must have its own heartbeat.

Love that Charlie.

(P.S. I'm not sure Plastic Bullet proved to be favorable for Mr. Agrestic in this photo as it appears to have made his neck and face all become one… sorry 'bout that babe!)


  1. Such compassion. I'm seeing a doctor in your future :)


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