Sweet Temptations

I consider myself a bit of a foodie.

Not a cook.

A foodie. 

Maybe an amateur foodie… but a foodie, nonetheless.

My husband prefers to call it a "food snob" … but to each their own.

I will share my favorite restaurants and dishes with you in an upcoming blog… but to kick this off, I'm going to start by sharing my favorite sweet temptations.
These are the succulent, sweet indulgences that get my seratonin flowing, and make me close my eyes to soak in a deep breath of serenity.

Starbucks Iced Tea ~ I'll forever cherish my two-year old Sam asking me "Mommy, you get a banty sweeten back sye tea?" (Translation "venti, sweetened, black iced-tea). 

It's sweet tea, but better. Refreshing. Invigorating. And always perfect. Just does something to me. No other tea compares.
Ahhhhhh ~

Cappuccino Coolers ~ This obsession has gone on for years. My First Lady introduced it to me about 10 years ago - I went through a two-year phase of it back then. Cut myself off for a few years, and then started up again almost 5 years ago and have indulged at least once, usually twice, and occassionally THREE times a day since! 

It's silly. A powder packet stirred into milk, topped off with five cubes of ice. During the infant and toddler years with my two little ones, this drink was often the rock that got me through. It was the defining moment in each day when I felt like I could finally exhale.

This is what's currently going on in my pantry…
Those are individual boxes - 6 drink packets in each box. 
Perfectly normal : /

Lemon Cookies ~ If you live in, or have ever visited the Knoxville area, you know about Ham N' Goodies Lemon Cookies. They are a harmonious combination of tart and sweet, and always baked to perfection. I don't believe a better lemon cookie exists on the planet. 

Blissful Bites ~ Oh Friends. Friends. Friends. You should get to know my girl Mrs. Meyer. She creates heaven in her kitchen, nearly every week. Mrs. Meyer's Blissful Bites are the single most amazing thing I believe I have ever tasted. It is moist, luscious cake dipped in a layer of either white, dark, or milk chocolate, topped off with a gorgeous design that makes it as much of a treat for your eyes as it is for your mouth. The flavors... Oh the flavors. German Chocolate, Carrot Cake, Spice, Key Lime, Lemon, Orange, Strawberry, Red Velvet… the list goes on and on. Without a doubt, these top off my list of favorite sweet temptations. 

I know for a fact these would also top Oprah's list of Favorite Things… but I guess we'll never know. So for now, you'll just have to trust me on this one. 

I hope that you too have a few simple indulgences that are part of your every day life that lift you to a higher ground and make you feel so perfectly You!


  1. Seriously? Sweet tea, cappuccino drinks, lemon cookies and blissful bites? How ever do you keep your fabulous figure? Suggestion for your next post: Mrs. Agrestic's Workout Plan - How To Eat Sweets and Still Look Like A Million Bucks :D

    I love how you are keepin' it real with your pantry shot!

    As always, I'm smiling all through your beautiful blog. And, thanks for the kind words about the bakeshop.

  2. Ha! Workout plan... That's funny! Actually I wish I had a workout plan, but it just doesn't fit into the priority list right now :)
    Thank YOU for the fabulous treats that come from the bakeshop.


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