A Story of Survival

Tomorrow marks the two year anniversary of Mr. Agrestic's tree accident. What a day that was. It was a gorgeous April afternoon, clear blue skies, low 70's, calm, and peaceful. It's astounding how so much can change in just an instant. Having a one and a two-year-old inches from the wreckage keeps the pain and challenges we experienced as a result of this accident in a calming perspective. We are deeply thankful for the outcome we had. Bones heal.

And we later discovered, as we were struggling through the great challenges we were faced with during that time, something so much bigger was going on within us and between us… It was all part of the divine plan.

Nonetheless, Richie had some pretty intense injuries… Viewer warning!

Quite unnatural for your leg/ankle to form an "S" shape - this was about 2 hours after the accident.

This is the external fixator that was used to hold his bones together after his first surgery - this was about 4 days after the accident.

Yes. The screws are drilled directly into his shin bone.
This is after his third surgery, about 8 months after the accident. It's hard for me to even imagine it looking like this.

He had a lot of healing to do…

But Hey! Look at him now. Thanks to the work of a loving God, a great surgeon, determination, patience, and time!

So. That's it. No more heavy stuff!

Another story of survival I want to share with you is about one of my sweethearts on the hill…

About 6 weeks ago, I was getting rather antsy for spring. I was (im)patiently awaiting the buds, blossoms, and blooms of all my babies outside. So, to start dressing up my hillside, I threw down a messy path of flagstones that we had left over from another project. I just needed something to captivate my eyes when I looked outside.

Lesson learned… it's not a good idea to lay stones in the middle of an unorganized garden in the early spring.

Last weekend, I found this poor little angel working with all its might trying to creep out from both sides of a flagstone step.

I quickly lifted the stone, and was utterly amazed by the strength and resilience of this darling hosta. The entire plant was covered by the stone except the outer edges. As soon as I lifted the stone, it started shifting upright ~ and then I do believe I heard it shout a few profanities at me : /

I tried to explain to her that it is in our challenges that we grow… but she wasn't buyin' it.

This is what her twin brother looks like…

… AND, to top it all off, Mr. Agrestic was weed eating yesterday and took off 3/4 of her right stalk!

Hang in there little girl, you're going to be ravishing some day. I just know it!

I'll keep you updated on her recovery :)


  1. Your blog is so sweet and beautiful, Mary! As is your entire family :) Happy Easter to you all!

  2. I love the strength and tenacity of your sweethearts. Their ability to get back on their feet when life (literally) came crashing down upon them is truly inspirational. But, it's hard to overcome such adversity alone. I'm sure your gift of encouragement, helping hands, and beautiful smile aided in recovery :) Beautiful post!


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