… And My Most Silly Sweetheart ~ My Baby

Finally, I get to introduce to you my baby ~ Charlie Aaron Hatcher. Chuckles. The most perfect nick-name there ever was ~

It's so profound as a mother to bring a new life into the world, and only a few short weeks after the little miracle arrives, you feel like you already know his personality and who he will be. I am describing Charlie to you today using nearly the same words I would have used when he was 3-months old. Funny, whimsical, stubborn - yet easy going, independent, and extremely loving (when he wants to be!)

This child has enriched my life in so many ways. He is a little ball of energy, with a sassy attitude that cracks you up. And it's all topped off with a sugar coated sweetness that can melt your heart. I thought I had nearly mastered parenting, disciplining, and molding a child by having practiced with Sam ~ but come to find out I essentially had to throw out everything I learned with Sam, because this one has been a whole new ballgame.

Amazing how that works.

Charlie doesn't respond to guilt, shame, or threats of losing his favorite toy. "Charlie, if you don't stop that I am going to take away your brand new Batman Toy"… his response "Here mom, take Batman."


Not gonna work on this child. He's not falling for that.

I've always admired Charlie's independence. While Sam wants to be near us all day long, Charlie will go off for an hour and play by himself… he always does his little Charlie check-in every so often… a sweet kiss and a hug, and then off he goes. I see myself in him in this way. He doesn't need to be surrounded by a bunch of people to complete his world… but wants to know that someone he loves is nearby and thinking of him.

I adore how positive he is (again, when he wants to be)… "Mommy Braxton just broke her frisbee… but it's okay! I still like it!"  "Mommy, I just poo-poo'd in my pants, but it's okay, you not mad… you so happy!" "Good Morning beeyuddoh (brother)! You have a good sleep?" Pure sunshine!

Charlie has the greatest voice I've ever heard in a child. It's a gorgeous, raspy, articulate delivery of words all beautifully topped off with the slightest lispy "sth" at the end. Gosh I'm gonna miss that sound. A part of me hopes he never grows out of it.

And this one LoVeS music… I adore that about him. I'll turn on some music on the opposite floor and far end of the house. He will catch a note, and freeze silent until he can follow the sound to its source. He'll sit in front of a blank computer screen for an hour to hear his favorite music. I'm so excited to watch him grow to see what talents he develops. He is a creative, free-spirit with the confidence and optimism to change the world.

Here is one of my favorite memories of Charlie. We are in Breckenridge and he is dancing his heart away. He was already focused on a task, but he heard some music and he was instantly captivated. The kid has got soul!

This is another one of my favorites… those gorgeous little "sth" sounds mixed with an amazing southern twang!

This child has the most perfect set of little buns I've ever seen. It has been this way since he was born, and he has never lost it. I'm gonna be sad when he's too old for me to indulge in a little pat and a pinch…

Keepin' it real for all the ladies

Charlie was about 10 months old here.. it was just before his blonde 'fro grew in

About 6 months old… what a beauty

You can see the little stinker developing here… it's in his eyes :)
12 months old here… in Breckenridge. My baby bundle… I could eat him up!

About 5 months old… he has the most gorgeous eye lashes

Couldn't pass up showing his awesome morning hair! This is in NYC

4 months old.. Perfection

3 years old.. 

This is one of my faves.. in Savannah, GA ~ enjoying hot chocolate. I loved this day ~

And here is Charlie's alter-ego… we're still working on breakin' this one. What a mess!

Sweet little freckles starting to show up ~

I hope you, too,  have a special little someone who challenges your world and opens the door to a new beauty that you would have never otherwise noticed. Charlie does this for me ~


  1. Some day, your little sweetheart is going to be very mad at his mommy for sharing his buns on the world wide web :) Feeling so blessed right now that I have three special big someones that continue to challenge my world on a daily basis :) Thanks for warming hearts with your words!

  2. That's why I can't go public! I need a space to document my most favorite things… such as perfect little buns, without the rest of the world getting their hands on it :) Happy to know the peanuts continue to challenge mommy for many years to come ~


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