Introducing Another Sweetheart ~ My First Born Son ~



Really, is there any greater gift? 

As cliche as that may sound, I believe it to be the simplest way to describe something so undeniably profound as creating life, and bearing the privilege of nurturing and molding that life to become the best person it can be.

I have very passionate thoughts I will soon share on pregnancy ~ I happen to be a little sappy at the present time about the thought of being pregnant (actually really sappy about the thought of never being pregnant again) ~ but I'll share all that another day.

So, my first born son. 
Samuel Richard Hatcher. 
What a great boy name, right?

I find this child to be so completely amazing in countless ways. And it is a known fact that each person he has come to know in his short 4 and 1/2 years on Earth thinks the exact same thing. They do. Really. How could they not?  :)

Here are some words that describe my Sam:  High Achiever, Organized, Responsible, Pleaser, Perfectionist, Obeys the Rules, Natural Leader…

Sound about right?

Okay. Those aren't my words. I actually stole them from a book that describes characteristic traits based on birth order. However, each and every one of those words intimately describes my first-born son. 

When Sam was one, he would spend hours lining up cars on our family room rug. Then, one-by-one, he would move them to the other side of the rug - perfectly in line, every time. The kicker is that he would completely flip out if someone attempted to move one of those cars out of their strategic location (you can imagine the melt-downs when little brother began crawling and destroying his big brother's designs!)

When Sam was two, he was absorbing information at a pace that puts any adult to shame. He knew the words to no less than 30 different songs ~ in their entirety. In fact, I had to give up some of my favorite music when I heard the sweet voice of my 2-year old singing Susan Tedeschi's "It hurts so bad" ~ something about that precious voice reciting "I miss the way you used to touch me, the tender way we used to kiss…" (it goes on, and so did Sam ~ no need to elaborate here).

Recently, I was blown away to discover this video of my 2-year old Sam demonstrating his knowledge of all the states. I knew he was a little smarty pants - but didn't fully appreciate it until looking back on this video. I remember this evening very well ~ I just thought he was a big boy at the time. It hasn't been until now that my ears have been open enough to soak in that little baby voice ~

Besides just the gift of this memory, which is so elegantly captured in the video, three details I adore are (1) he repeats everything his daddy says "Sam, get arizona".. "Sam, get awizohna", (2) he won't show his daddy the state until it is perfectly upright and outward facing in his hand, and (3) he appropriately defines Alabama and Ohio as Boo-Bama and Boo-Ohio - representing the home states of our least favorite athletic teams. 

High Achiever, Organized, Responsible, Pleaser, Perfectionist, Obeys the Rules, Natural Leader…

So, have I bragged enough about my first-born little sweetheart? 
Not so fast… there's more! 

These traits I've described above are what make Sam such my first-born ~ however, the trait that makes him so perfectly, impeccably, undeniably unique is his amazing heart. Sam is sensitive, sweet, kind, polite, and loving in ways I can't describe. He wears his heart on his sleeve, and tends to other peoples' needs in the most tender way. Kid gets hurt on the playground. Sam is there to help. Spider dies in movie. Sam is broken-hearted. Teammates intently focused on basketball. Sam runs off the court to kiss his mom. Neighbor's dog is missing. Sam is worried sick and can't fall asleep. If I'm dressed up to go out, Sam will say "Mommy, you look so pretty. You look like a princess." And just today, he looked out the window to see about 7 of his neighborhood friends all hanging out and heading toward a backyard, Sam says "Oh look at all those kids… I hope they have fun!" What 4-year old thinks in that way?

How lucky am I to be in this child's presence every single day? And to have the honor of growing with him, and learning from his never-ending kindness. 

He has an amazing old-soul shining love on all of us. When you first meet Sam, you can see in his eyes what a loving little boy he is…

See it?

Blowing mommy kisses on the first day of school (this was his own doing ~ not directed)

 First birthday

 9-months old

 2-years old

 Taking care of baby brother

 4-years old here

 Enjoying a trip to Savannah, GA

 Loving his holiday cookie decorations

 Just he and I at a train exhibit

5-months old

That's my amazing first-born son!

Can't wait to introduce my next little masterpiece to you!


  1. I love how you are introducing us to the sweethearts on your hill :)


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