Face Plant

I suppose it's a rite of passage for every kid to have a good bike wreck and walk away with the impressive bumps and bruises to show for it.

Luke certainly won the prize with his bike wreck this spring...  It was during the week, in the middle of COVID craziness, and all the cul-de-sac kids were quarantining together.  

I was working in my home office and heard a blood curdling scream come from outside... I ran out to find Luke picking himself off the ground with blood pouring off his face.

He hadn't been doing anything crazy (except riding his bike without a helmet)... but happened to fall and hit the ground face first.  Obviously, my first thought is that I'm so grateful he didn't come out of it with a head injury...

But boy, his little cheek certainly took a beating.

This was the next day... all swollen

And looking cute as a button at our first meal at Puckett's in Franklin, TN the day of our house closing

I hate to see my kids get hurt... but it's hard to resist the pitiful sweetness of this little face.  Love you buddy! Thanks for being such a tough little guy 💗 


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